Affair Statistics
Some recent statistics are beginning to show that up to 80% of marriages will at some time struggle with the challenge of infidelity.
When you add in emotional affairs, internet affairs, and internet infidelity it rises to 90%!!
This really represents a crisis in marriage today. Knowing good strategies for preventing affairs and dealing constructively with infidelity when it does happen is very important for couples today and I hope this website helps in that regard.
I’ve developed this website in order to help as many as couples as I can to resolve issues that go along with infidelity and affairs.”
Survey: Help for Therapists (and their clients) in dealing with affairs. A report on the results of a survey on extramartial affairs conducted on by Peggy Vaughan.
More cheating, extramarital affair, infidelity, internet porn statistic resources: need_to_know.html
There is more information available on this topic, if you still have questions not answered by this section please call me. I’m usually available within 24-48 hrs to answer questions, schedule phone coaching sessions or office coaching/therapy sessions, or direct you to other resources.
Remember: Research / statistics on infidelity indicates that receiving counseling after the discovery of an affair is the single best predictor of recovery.